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Welcome to the Ultimate (and Only!) Guide to Financial Independence and Early Retirement in Thailand!

Thailand is quickly becoming home to a new generation of expat – someone who is younger, more educated, makes more money, and stays for decades. This new type of expat isn’t as interested in nightlife and everything Thailand offered in the past. They are more interested in living a relatively normal life comparable to the country they came from.

But more often than not, they are here during their prime earning years without a financial plan. If you’ve ever looked at your salary in Thailand and thought about how you’re going to survive with no government or corporate pension when you retire, this site is for you. Even if you have a high salary, it’s so easy to spend money here you probably still have almost nothing left at the end of the month.

You must have a financial plan to accumulate wealth during your working years in Thailand. You also need to know how to withdraw it properly during retirement so it lasts as long as you do. Don’t end up like the balcony jumpers!

When I first came to Thailand I knew absolutely nothing about investing or how to accumulate wealth other than putting money in my bank account every month. After going in the wrong direction a few times, I finally found out about FIRE.

By following FIRE – Financially Independent and Retire Early – you cannot only accumulate enough wealth for retirement, it may also be possible to retire early, and I mean really early like in your 30’s or 40’s.

Everything you Need to FIRE in Thailand

I spent hundreds of hours reading through fragmented information on forums and doing my own research. There was no central location that detailed things like tax-deductible investments or even how to invest in Thailand. You also need to know how to invest outside of Thailand so you don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Once I had all that information, I realized I was much better off financially in Thailand than I would be back home. By making a Western salary in Thailand and applying FIRE, I could accumulate more wealth and retire earlier in Thailand than I could at home – and that’s without a government or corporate pension.

So, I decided to make this site to share the knowledge I’ve gained about applying FIRE in Thailand. Please read the disclaimer before you go any further though.

Below is a list of articles that appear on this site. First, familiarize yourself with the principles of FIRE and why Thailand is the best country in the world to apply it. Then learn about taxes and tax-deductible investments. After that, you’re ready to put together a portfolio and invest inside and outside of Thailand. Once your plan is in motion, it’s important to be disciplined and not get sucked into consumerism like everyone else.  Stick to your plan and you’ll be able to retire early!

List of Articles

Core Pages:


What is FIRE?

Why Thailand is the Best Country in the World for FIRE

Why You Need a Financial Plan in Thailand

Overview of Taxes in Thailand


Thailand Tax Calculator

Thai Investing

International Investing from Thailand

The 4% Rule


Cost of Living


Disclaimer and Privacy Policy



Thailand and the US-China Trade War – 5 Part Series

  1. Will Thailand Survive?
  2. The Real Truth Behind Trump’s Tariffs
  3. The Race to the Bottom
  4. Democracy, Sex Scandals, and Tariffs
  5. How to Prevent Future Trade Wars


FIRE And The Indexing Illusion

Why Is The Average Person Unaware Of Basic Investing Concepts?

How to Avoid Investment Scams in Thailand

Why FIRE Is Better Than A Bar Girl

Buying a Condo on Margin  – Financial Brilliance or Suicide?

When Good Countries Go Bad: Why You Need FIRE

Trade Wars Are Easy To Win: Thai Style

Stage IV: A FIRE In Thailand Novel

Thai Teachers Need A Lesson in FIRE

5 Steps to Financial Success in Thailand

LeanFIRE: Living On the Edge of Disaster

How Jordan Peterson Helped Me Understand FIRE